Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nightmare Fuel aka NGE

So, barely a month after finally getting over my two-year long depression over things that have been happening in my life, I finally convinced myself to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. Ya know, the one show that's been out for like- 14 years ago? Yeah, I'm late into fandoms. Really late.

Two words;


At least the movies are. The anime actually mentally scarred me somewhat- haha. ;_; Now I really appreciate my  family. Seeing the cute little Ikari Shinji so broken like that makes me want to cry. I pity him. He's just 14- the same age as my brother and wow- what a load of responsibility. He's such an extreme doormat too. Poor kid. I wish I could just give him a hug. Or get him a therapist. (Actually, therapist don't seem to work on me, so I doubt it would work on him...)

Or maybe a different father would suffice. His suck.

Also, I'm finally understanding the whole "(insert action) WHILE I PLAY UNFITTING MUSIC" meme.

Talk about unfitting music. <_<; Really, GAINAX? A children's song while EVA Unit 01 eat an Angel that looks somewhat human? That's downright disgusting, man. Though the unfitting music in episode 9 is just hilarious. Interpretive dance. I was like what the hell is this the right show pfft-

Also; Nagisa Kaworu. This guy is probably my favourite character, for some odd reason. Well- maybe because he's a pretty white haired bishounen with Ho Yay tendencies- THE POINT IS, he's cute. ;-; He doesn't get enough screen time. One episode isn't freakin; enough.

One more reason to love the Rebuild movies. <333

I do believe I should get back to studying and living like a normal person now. Being a hikkimori isn't all that wonderful- what with having people getting mad cause I haven't replied their texts and calls. Hahahaha.

Though it's kind of hard to go back to real life- seeing as in the movie, Kaworu said;

"Now then, the promised time has come, Ikari Shinji-kun. This time I will, at least, make you happy."

Ignoring the Ho Yay-ish implications in that line, he said this time? What, has the world reset itself after the events of the anime or something? I thought Hideki Anno said it's a retelling of events... Nice Mind Screw there, Anno-san.

I have sketches, but apparently my scanner's driver doesn't work on this laptop. Hnn... Need to hack into the family computer somehow...


1 comment:

  1. I have never seen the full completion of that series, but I remember being in the 8th grade and seeing it for the first time. I liked it, but at the same time I couldn't comprehend Shinji's actions. I don't know why it was so hard for me to understand what the hell he was doing, but I didn't feel the same pity for him as you did! Lol, I remember feeling more pitiful for him because of the way he was treated by Asuka, but that was about it. I don't know, it was a great show no doubt about it, and I definitely understand the way you feel! Oh man, have I felt that way much too many times. But anyways, have you watched the Evangelion movie yet?? I admit, that movie did take me by surprise. There was even a sex scene in there and i was like...WHOA WHOA WHAT!?
