Seriously, I'm not kidding. Hahahaha. Even when my co-curricular marks are enough to score me an A... What the hell, National Service Program? Out of the 180+ seniors in my school, I just have to be one of the 47 shortlisted people. I don't think I need that 20% bonus.
Ah well. I guess I won't be going online for 3 months when that happens.
Also, I heard they're giving you free clothes!
Excuse me, I like free stuff.
Here are some sketches, click to enlarge!
Something I doodled a few minutes before taking my Chemistry exams. I've always loved those pointy hats magicians and wizards wear.
And cloaks. Flowing robes too. They're so fun.
As for this, I've decided to colour her. Nadia has orange hair. I don't know why I did that. I hate orange. My mouse (optical mouse) seems to love the colour, though.
Four more papers left, and I'll be free for a few weeks. Then it's SPM Exam Trials - Take Two.
Gotta go study now... orz Additional Mathematics is tomorrow.